The One Group

The mission of the group is to establish a professional, innovative, and trustworthy service team that meets the needs of customers, including:

  1. Providing product testing and monitoring to meet consumers’ expectations for quality and safety.
  2. Developing new technologies, products, and services to provide technical support for the industry’s advancement.
  3. Assisting in the digital transformation of industries, reducing paper usage, and contributing to the protection of the environment.
  4. Exploring the field of knowledge management and conducting industry training to cultivate outstanding talents and contribute to the advancement of science and technology in the country.





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Japan Cybersecurity Label

JC-STAR Security Labeling Program Updated: ★1

The Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) of Japan has…
EN 18031

Understanding EN 18031 for Manufacturers of Radio Equipment

Overview of EN 18031 EN 18031 is a European standard that plays…

【India】Essential requirement(s) for security of CCTV

What is ER:01? Meity has announced an amendment on IS 13252(part1):2010…
IMDA, RG, Cyber

Understanding EN 18031 : Key Highlights Explained by The One

Understanding EN 18031 : Key Highlights Explained by The One RED…

EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) Overview——Aside from the RED

EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) Overview The Cyber Resilience…

Cybersecurity Solutions for RED: ETSI EN 303 645 and EN 18031 Standards

The One Lab: A Leading Cybersecurity-Only Lab for EU Standards The…
IoT cybersecurity

【EDM】New challenges in the IoT market

As the Internet of Things (IoT) market rapidly expands, so…

Cybersecurity test training for EN303645

The EN 303645 standard is highly related to the upcoming cybersecurity…

In the process of establishing a laboratory。。。

In order to establish a cybersecurity laboratory that complies…

Establishment of The ONE

With advancements in AI, IoT, new regulations will also emerge.…
Japan Cybersecurity Label

JC-STAR Security Labeling Program Updated: ★1

The Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) of Japan has…
EN 18031

Understanding EN 18031 for Manufacturers of Radio Equipment

Overview of EN 18031 EN 18031 is a European standard that plays…

【India】Essential requirement(s) for security of CCTV

What is ER:01? Meity has announced an amendment on IS 13252(part1):2010…
IMDA, RG, Cyber

Understanding EN 18031 : Key Highlights Explained by The One

Understanding EN 18031 : Key Highlights Explained by The One RED…

EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) Overview——Aside from the RED

EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) Overview The Cyber Resilience…

Cybersecurity Solutions for RED: ETSI EN 303 645 and EN 18031 Standards

The One Lab: A Leading Cybersecurity-Only Lab for EU Standards The…
IoT cybersecurity

【EDM】New challenges in the IoT market

As the Internet of Things (IoT) market rapidly expands, so…

Cybersecurity test training for EN303645

The EN 303645 standard is highly related to the upcoming cybersecurity…

In the process of establishing a laboratory。。。

In order to establish a cybersecurity laboratory that complies…

Establishment of The ONE

With advancements in AI, IoT, new regulations will also emerge.…

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