Cybersecurity lab for IoT devices (under development)
ECTest 提供客制化的 LIMS(實驗室信息管理系統)服務,涵蓋項目管理、設備管理、自動報告發送、客戶通過系統自查案件進度等功能。
此外,ECTest 積極參與各種跨行業數位轉型合作項目,包括基於 AI 的車禍原因分析和虛擬現實類型的系統等。
詳情請參考 https://ectest.org
1. Setup of necessary hardware and software
2. Setup of testing facility
3. Preparation of technical and quality document
4. Participate in hiring process (if needed)
5. Training on theory and practical testing process
6. Support internal auditing
7. Assist in applying for accreditation